Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Parent Meeting

On Sunday afternoon we held a parent meeting. Thank you to all the youth sponsors and parents that accepted our invitation and joined us.

Pastor Brian had three things on the agenda that were leading into our summer schedule that he wanted to discuss at this meeting:

Campus Challenge

Let's review some of the highlights:

We had the opportunity to look at a rough draft calendar that Pastor Brian had put together. Each month from May through August has a big event. May-Never Too Young, June-camps, July-VBS, camping trip, August-amusement park visit and Back to School Bash. Along with each of the "big" events Pastor Brian said there will also be some "spontaneous" events such as bike ride/cookout down the Cardinal Greenway from Marion to Gas City, SNAC (Sunday Night After Church) much of those events will be added to the calendar after PBH meets with the youth staff.

Tag teaming with the church, Pastor Brian is going to promote the Sunday night service project within The Net youth group. The first project is the firefighter ice cream social. We'll serve and connect with Marion's firefighters on June 1st.

Seems that email works well for those parents that were at the meeting. Pastor Brian introduced The Net blog as another tool for keeping informed. One suggestion was getting The Net page back into the church newsletter. You will see that in an upcoming edition of the newsletter. Pastor Brian is also going to be working with the students to create a newsletter for the teens. So be looking for that as well.

Campus Challenge
Gale Richmond, one of our youth sponsors and Admissions Director at IWU came and shared the scholarship opportunities available through Campus Challenge. What a fantastic opportunity for any student thinking of attending a Wesleyan university. Please check out the Campus Challenge web site here.

If you have any question please contact us.

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