Thursday, May 1, 2008

Last Night in THE NET

Pastor Brian had been cleaning off some shelves in his office and ran across this book, copyright 1974. 125 crowd breaker games, numbered 1-125. We shouted out a number, and if it didn't require props, we played. We did the ol' standby, #103 'Honey if you love me please, please smile', and #56 'Coke Chug', #25 'Barefoot Scramble' and wrapped up the game portion of the evening with the 'Roller Coaster/Restroom Break' skit. It was a night of throw back fun. PB said the book was going back on the shelf until he moves the book shelf in his office again. So sad.

I'm pretty happy we don't live in the old youth group days.

After the game portion of the evening we heard about Campus Challenge, again, and how the Wesleyan Schools offer scholarship money for participation in the campus challenge program. We were encouraged to talk with Gale and Becca about getting ready for that event.

At the end of youth meeting we picked prayer partners and promised to pray for 5 of our friends from THE NET everyday this week. Everyone in the group made a commitment to pray. So tell us about your prayer time, who are you praying for? Have you kept up on your commitments?

1 comment:

Anna said...

Man, I wish I could have been there it sounds like it would have been fun. :)